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Homeopathic Home » What Is Homeopathy » Scope of Homeopathy


Hahnemann believed that Homeopathy was a complete system of medicine and was destined to replace conventional medicine entirely. A few modern Homeopaths would still adopt this extreme position today, but most - and certainly almost all medically qualified Homeopaths - recognise that there are many illnesses that demand orthodox treatment. Even Hahnemann recognized that surgery would be necessary in some cases. Nevertheless, because it is prescribed on the patient's symptoms, Homeopathy can be prescribed as a supplementary treatment in almost any situation.

Homeopathy lends itself well to self-treatment, especially for acute disease. It is possible to buy an emergency kit containing medicines that can be used to treat colds, coughs, sore throats, and minor burns, bruises and sprains.

Another field of application is psychological problems. There is certainly a place for Homeopathy in the management of mild to moderate anxiety, depression, and other mood disturbances, but it is not suitable for severe depression or schizophrenia except in the hands of a suitably experienced doctor or psychiatrist.

Children seem to respond particularly well to Homeopathy and they enjoy taking the medicines, which are sweet. Animals, too, can be treated successfully in many cases.

Homeopathic First Aid Kit

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:
Caladium Seguinum

Common Name:
American Arum

A homeopathic ingredient that favorably influences and modifies the craving for tobacco. It also influences and counters the symptoms of respiratory disturbances associated with smoking.

Health Tip of the Day

One should walk atleast four to five kilometers a day. It is the way to a healthy mind and body.

Health Quote of the Day

Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body."
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld

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