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Homeopathic Home » Homeopathic Medicine's Info. » Diabetes Checklist


Adapted from ADA Medical Standards of care.

If you have diabetes, do you:

  1. Have your had your EYES check annually for retinopathy?

  2. Have your FEET checked at each physician's visit (looking for poor circulation, possible gangrenous condition manifesting).

  3. Check your blood glucose levels at home regularly?

  4. Have an updated individualized meal plan?

  5. Have an exercise prescription?

  6. Know your current A1C level?

If you answered NO to any of these questions you need to talk with your physician about the American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care.

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Medicine Of The Day

Latin Name:

Common Name:
potassium hydrate, acrid potassium salt

Used for muscle and joint contractions, weakness, numbness, paralysis, burning and soreness. Symptoms are worse in dry, cold weather. Also used for coughs, urinary retention, after childbirth, and neck pain. Often used for people who are sad, cry easily, and fear something will happen (Jonas 257, Lockie 123).

Health Tip of the Day

Honey prevents cold, cough and fever. It is also a blood purifier. It also makes food tastier.

Health Quote of the Day

Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy."
- Izaak Walton

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