Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
The development and cutting of teeth; teething.
At the time of teething, general irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhoea,
fever, sleeplessness and weight loss, etc. are the usual complaints
of a child.
Dentition Complaints - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Chamomilla. [Cham]
This remedy is almost specific for the lesser ailments of dentition.
Many physicians, however, express themselves as finding it of doubtful
value. It is however, a most useful remedy, and those who use it
in the lower potencies are the only ones who are disappointed in
its use. It is a remedy which acts far better in the 6th or 12th
potencies than in strengths below these. Its symptoms are well known;
child is peevish and fretful, one cheek is red, the other pale.
The head and scalp are bathed in sweat, and a greenish, offensive
diarrhoea is present. The mental condition of the child will invariably
indicate the drug. The gums are red and tender. Ferrum phosphoricum
especially useful when the respiratory tract becomes involved, with
rapid breathing, hoarseness, cough dry and hard and patient very
restless. Persistent diarrhoea, as a result of teething, may indicate
Ferrum in some of its forms. Agaricus IX and 2X is a most useful
remedy for simple irritability,fretfulness and restlessness of teething
children; itching is an additional symptom.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy suits both the febrile condition of Aconite and nervous
erethism of Chamomilla. It is especially indicated by its cerebral
hyperaemia,high fever and tendency to convulsions , violent starting
and jumping , red face and other Belladonna symptoms. Terebinth.
Raue, quoting from Cooper, recommends this remedy for teething ,
with restless at night, distension of the gums and symptoms of irritation.
It acts promptly.
#Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
Slowness in teething, with convulsions, or opposite state, where
children teethe too rapidly, may indicate it. In backward dentition,where
the gums are pale and shiny and teeth a long time in coming through,
it is indicated in those children who present Calcarea characteristics.
#Calcarea phosphorica [Calc-p]
suits especially emaciated, rachitic children with open fontanelles,
who are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly. There is
an actual deficiency of bone tissue. During the period of dentition
an occasional dose of Calcarea phosphorica will often prevent all
troubles. I use the 6X trituration. A diarrhoea may accompany.
#Kreosote .[Kreos]
An excellent teething remedy; dentition is very painful and difficult,
the gums are spongy and painful, the child worries and tosses all
night and the night, when erupted, show marks of decay on them.
There is either constipation or undigested diarrhoeic stools. Zincum.
The child is drowsy, has a pale face and brain symptoms occur during
the process of dentition. |