Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
(Membranous Laryngitis, False Croup.)
Croup is breathing difficulty accompanied by a "barking"
cough. Croup, which is swelling around the vocal cords, is common
in infants and children and can have a variety of causes. Croup,
also known as laryngotracheitis, is an inflammation and narrowing
of the larynx (voice box) and the trachea (windpipe) caused by an
Croup, Laryngitis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Aconite [Acon]
Aconite is always the remedy in the beginning of croup, be it spasmodic
or membranous in character. The child is suddenly aroused out of
sleep gasping for breath. There is a most anxious distressed countenance,
hot skin and much restlessness and tossing about. The cough is of
the driest kind, loud and barking, no expectoration. If however,
the remedy be continued a little while a little expectoration will
appear and with it relief. Crop brought on by exposure to dry, cold
winds calls for Aconite. The remedy should not be stopped too soon;
if so the trouble will return the following night. The breathing
is loud, especially the inspiratory effort. Ferrum phosphoricum
often acts well in the beginning of croup. It may be distinguished
from Aconite by the absence of anxiety and restlessness so characteristic
of the latter drug Aconite croup comes on very suddenly. Veratrum
viride is also a very useful remedy at commencement. The anxiety
of Aconite is absent.
#Spongia [Spong]
Spongia is the great homoeopathic croup remedy, but it always comes
in after Aconite. The breathing is harsh, sawing and hard as if
the patient were breathing through a sponge. Hard barking ringing
cough with scanty expectoration; in fact, it seems to get tighter
and tighter every minute and almost threatens suffocation. It is
worse before midnight, and it is especially well indicated in light
complexioned children with blue eyes. It corresponds m;ore closely
to the spasmodic form of croup than to the membranous.
#Hepar Sulphur [Hep]
This is the third of the great croup trinity, and it follows Spongia
well. It has the same croupy sound, but there is a certain amount
of moisture to it; it has a "loose edge." It comes on
after dry, cold winds, the breathing is whistling and there is great
sensitiveness to the cold air. There must be some looseness of the
cough to indicate Hepar; in fact, the child is apt to have choking
fits with the cough. In the membranous form of croup it is useful
when there are pains going from the throat <o the ears and expulsion
of pieces of false membrane. Boenninghausen treated croup almost
exclusively with these three remedies. His method was to give five
powders; first, he gave a powder of No.1 (Aconite) in water so as
not to make the patient cough; he waited two hours and if necessary
gave powder No.2 (Aconite) and followed after two or three hours,
if necessary, with No.3 (Spongia). The others, No. 4 (Spongia) and
No.5 (Hepar), were given if necessary, but he always waited two
to four hours between the doses. Hardly one in a hundred received
all five powders , and he treated, it is said, over 400 cases without
losing one. All this emphasizes the value o;f these remedies in
croup. In false croup give Hepar as soon as the child during the
day, commences to cough hoarsely. It will avoid the nocturnal attacks.
#Bromine [Brom]
Perhaps the next remedy in order is Bromine. Its indications are
a deep, hoarse voice, and every attempt at inspiration produces
coughing; the breathing is hoarse, rasping and whistling and there
is rattling in the larynx, and when the child coughs the larynx
sounds full of mucus. With Bromine the child is suddenly roused
out of sleep as if choking and a drink of water often relieves the
spasmodic condition. The sensation as if some of the membrane were
loose in the larynx giving rise to this rattling, is very characteristic
of this drug. There is also marked prostration. Antimonium tartaricum
has this rattling down than Bromine. Bromine follows Hepar well
when Hepar is unable to remove the exudation. Great suffocation
so that the child wants to be carried from room to room is a good
indication. Bromine follows iodine well. Preparations of Bromine
soon decompose, so it becomes necessary to have them made fresh;
prepare with distilled water, one drop of pure Bromine to six ounces
of water. The higher homoeopathic attenuations never deteriorate
nor lose their power.
#Kali muriaticum [Kali-m]
Clinically, Kali muriaticum has been found a very useful remedy
in croup. It corresponds to croupous exudations, it has expectoration
of gray fibrinous slime or phlegm from the mucous membrane. The
cough is dry, hard and croupy,harsh and barking. It forms with Ferrum
phosphoricum the principal tissue remedy treatment of croup.
#Kaolin [Kaol]
This is a remedy little used or thought of in croup. It has some
good symptoms, however. It is useful for membranous croup when it
extends downwards, and one of its characteristic symptoms is intense
soreness along the trachea and upper part of the chest. The patient
does not want anything to touch him because the chest is so sore.
Ammonium causticum is considered by some specific in membranous
#Iodine [Iod]
Iodine, in its provings, not only presents all the symptoms peculiar
to croup, such as hoarseness, dry, rough, deep cough, painful larynx,
whistling respiration, sensation of obstruction in larynx, but in
the record of poisonings we have the formation of pseudo-membrane
on epiglottis, vocal chords and the parts of the larynx beneath
them. Experienced teaches that its curative actions is all the more
favorable the firmer the consistency of the morbid product is, hence
Iodine is less indicated for mucous than for membranous formations.
It may be employed in all stages of croup. Given in the beginning,
it may cut short the attack, and after 1 exudation has taken place
it diminishes this either directly by absorption, or by rendering
it more fluid it become more easy to expectorate; and when exudation
has existed for some time and the patient is exhausted it has the
effect of rousing the organism to general reaction. The special
indications for its use are the dry, short, barking cough with wheezing,
sawing respiration, dyspnoea and imminent suffocation. The cough
may have lost the peculiar metallic tone and become muffled and
indistinct. There is constant desire to change position, and it
acts especially well in dark-complexioned children. Use the IX dilution,
three drops every fifteen minutes. Croup caused by long continued
damp weather,with more fever than with Bromine, are good indication
for Iodine. It comes in after Hepar when in spite of that remedy
the exudation forms itself into membrane. Some practitioners pin
their faith remedy in the IX dilution, especially when the case
is a severe one.
#Kali bichromicum [Kali-bi]
This remedy is suitable to children with short, fat necks, and it
is indicated in true membranous croup. The cough is metallic, the
fauces and tonsils are red and swollen, breathing is labored and
the larynx is sensitive. The child has smothering spells and awakens
choking. The formation of a thick membrane takes place, and the
tendency of the disease is to extend downward, becoming croupous
bronchitis. There is violent wheezing, and the expectoration is
of tough and stringy mucus. It offers the most hope of removing
the false membrane. Cowperthwaite places this remedy before all
others in membranous croup. When the spasm o;f the throat is very
severe, Lachesis will sometimes be indicated. Mercurius proto-iodide
has been successful in certain cases and if diphtheria is suspected
Mercurius cyanatus.
#Sanguinaria [Sang]
This remedy may be useful in croup. There is the formation of a
false membrane with dryness, burning and swollen feeling in the
throat and a wheezing, whistling croupy cough. Dryness and burning
are the keynotes of Sanguinaria. |