Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Chorea is an irregular, rapid, uncontrolled,
involuntary, excessive movement that seems to move randomly
from one part of the body to another. The affected child often appears
fidgety or restless and unable to sit still. The word "chorea"
comes from the Greek word for dance. The jerky movements of the
feet or hands are often similar to dancing or piano playing. When
chorea is severe, the movements may cause motion of the arms or
legs that results in throwing whatever is in the hand or falling
to the ground. Walking may become bizarre, with inserted excessive
postures and leg movements.
The disease, known also as Sydenham's chorea (not
to be confused with Huntington's disease, a hereditary
disease of adults that is sometimes called Huntington's chorea),
is usually, but not always, a complication of rheumatic fever. Sydenham's
chorea, a disease of children, especially females, usually appears
between the ages of 7 and 14. Facial grimacing and jerking movements
persist for 6 to 10 weeks and sometimes recur after months or even
years. Eventually the symptoms disappear.
Chorea - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Agaricus [Agar]
For true cerebral chorea Agaricus stands at the head of the list.
It is, however, prescribed in a routine habitual way and hence has
more failures attributed to it than cures. It has in its pathogenesis
a long list of symptoms of muscular twitchings, among which are
twitchings and spasms of the eyeballs and eyelids; it has angular
choreic movements and spasmodic motions of the extremities, which
are not confined to one side of the body, but affect the upper half
on one side of the body and the lower half on the other. Tarentula
has chorea affecting the right arm and the right leg. The spine
in Agaricus cases is apt to be sensitive to pressure, especially
in lumbar region, there is weakness and coldness of the limbs and
unsteady gait, and as the disease progresses there is emaciation
and an idiotic expression of the face. Cimicifuga is applicable
to chorea affecting the left side, and when associated with rheumatism
or myalgia, or occurring reflexly in uterine affections. The twitching
in Agaricus also occur during sleep, but are more severe while awake.
With this drug there is considerable congestion to the head, dilated
pupils, flushed face, and the twitching is said to be worse during
a thunderstorm. Bartlett, in Goodno's Practice,advises the 2X of
Agaricine and uses no other drug in this disease; he claims that
Agaricus is practically useless, a claim, however, that cannot be
substantiated. It must be prescribed on homoeopathic indications,
not applied as being "good" for chorea. In spasmodic twitchings
of the eyes and lids, Agaricus will most frequently be the proper
remedy. If there be itching spots on the skin resembling chilblains,
or if the child have an idiotic expression of the face, then Agaricus
is all the more indicated. Agaricus is especially useful in mild
cases and in epidemic cases, and is a precise simile to the idiopathic
form, according to some authors, though Cobb thinks it is more frequently
called for in reflex choreiform movements and habit spasms than
for idiopathic chorea, a proof to us that forms and stages of disease
had best be ignored and the indicating symptoms relied upon each
#Tarentula [Tarent]
When the choreic movements affect the right arm and right leg, and
when the movements continue even at night, and are brought on by
fright, grief, etc., the Tarentula Hispana becomes the remedy. The
patient is restless and compelled to keep constantly in motion,
the spine is sensitive,and there is trembling. The patient can run
better than he can walk, and in chorea major with rigidity it is
the remedy when diversion of the mind, especially music, relieves.
Ignatia is especially the remedy in chorea of young girls when of
emotional origin, the marked impressionability of the nervous system
is characteristic, especially in cases where fright or grief are
the exciting causes. In very stubborn cases Arsenic will be found
useful; it has much uneasiness in the legs, must change position
and walk about for relief,and it corresponds to chorea in debiliated
children. Zizia has restless choreic movements during sleep. Sepia,
too, has relieved chorea-like symptoms. Laurocerasus is useful in
emotional chorea after fright; there are fearful contortions when
awake; sleep restless, can neither sit, stand nor lie down on account
of incessant motions. Speech is indistinct. Crocus is also a remedy
in chorea with hysterical symptoms, twitching of single muscles.
It corresponds well to symptoms of hysteria.
#Zincum [Zinc]
Constant motion of the feet, which may continue during sleep,and
it is especially the remedy when the chorea is brought on by suppressed
eruption or by fright and the general health is involved, right
side most affected, much depression of spirits and irritability,
worse from wine. Zincum is more adapted to the chronic form, and
Zincum valerianate has also been successfully used in chorea. Opium
has emotional chorea with trembling and spasmodic jerkings of the
flexors; the arms are thrown out at right angles with the body.
#Cimicifuga [Cimic]
When the movements affect the left side and are associated with
myalgic or rheumatic ailments, or when reflex from uterine derangements,
then Cimicifuga is the remedy. There is sensitiveness of the spine
and entire muscular system, fugitive pains especially in the small
joints and the endocarditis so often found in rheumatic cases, and
if mental depression be present it is an additional indication.
Cimicifuga is especially indicated in chorea in young girls, about
the age of puberty, with menstrual disorders, especially suppression
of menses. Fright chorea and chorea with loss of power of swallowing
indicate the remedy. Sleeplessness is an important symptom.
#Calcarea carbonica [Calc-c]
Chorea is only local in its simplest form; there is always some
constitutional dyscrasia underlying established cases, and therefore
much reliance must be placed on constitutional remedies in most
cases. Calcarea is a remedy to correct the malnutrition and is one
of the best basic remedies; it often assists materially in securing
a recovery. When chorea occurs in Calcarea children, and is brought
on by fright or onanism, the remedy will be well indicated. Difficult
speech, patient bites tongue when talking are good indications.
Sulphur and Psorinum are also useful basic remedies in chorea. Phosphorus
is the remedy for chorea in children who grow too fast; with tuberculosis
as the basis of the attack. China corresponds to those enfeebled
by masturbation or other loss of fluids.
#Cuprum [Cupr]
Baehr claims that Cuprum will cure most cases of chorea, and that
the disease will rarely last more than three or four weeks under
its administration. It is indicated where the choreic movements
start in the muscles of the fingers and toes and extend to the limbs;
the patient is better or more quite during sleep, but when awake
the terrible contortions and awkward movements are excessive. Saltatoric
spasm may occur. When spasms occur in choreic children, Allen recommends
Cicuta 6th dilution,also in acute chorea with fever. Nux vomica
is the remedy for the spinal chorea; there is unsteady gait and
dragging of the feet; there are crawling sensations in the parts
attacked and constipation. Cocculus follows well when paralysis
#Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]
Chronic cases of chorea due to fright,or to chronic eruption about
the face, will sometimes indicate Natrum muriaticum. There are paroxysms
of jumping up or jerking of the right side of the face, worse during
the full moon. Pulsatilla may come in for chorea due to amenorrhoea
or dysmenorrhoea, here the general hypersensitiveness, anaemia and
chloro-anaemia are characteristic. Cobb thinks it more frequently
indicated than any other remedy. Puberty with its awakening in sensitive
boys and girls call for Pulsatilla. The digestive symptoms may be
present, also the functional cardiac disorders. Sticta is a remedy
for chorea complicated with hysteria, and the movements are confined
to the lower extremities; the feet and legs jump and dance in spite
of all efforts to prevent them.
#Belladonna [Bell]
Belladonna is useful in what the French term La Grande Choree, where
there are constrictions, hyperaesthesias, and much bodily inquietude.
The patient cannot remain in one position for any length of the
time; the jerking is predominately backwards, the head is bored
into the pillow. It is distinguished from all other remedies by
the intensity of its symptoms. The patient frequently needs to be
restrained to prevent self-injury. Veratrum viride is useful in
chorea when in addition to twitching there is a violent congestion
to the nerve centers and excited pulse. Belladonna suits also choreas
reflex from dentition or pregnancy.
#Stramonium [Stram]
Stramonium is especially the remedy when the brain is affected.
The movements, as in Belladonna, are characterized by great violence
affecting the whole body; the patient leaps grotesquely- saltatoric
spasm-rotates the arm, clasps the hands over the head. Hughes says
that it rarely cures cases of any standing without the aid of minerals,
such as Cuprum, Zincum, or Arsenicum is one of our chief remedies
in chorea, and often cures intractable cases. Other symptoms of
Stramonium are, a continual changing of the features-now he laughs,
now he appears astonished, protrudes his tongue rapidly, head thrown
alternately backwards and forwards, extremities in constant motion.
Stammering may be present, patient easily frightened. Hyoscyamus
has jerking and angular motion; the patient are weak; they have
an abnormal perception of distances. Bartlett claims that Hyoscyamus
gives better results in twitchings of the eyelids than Agaricus.
#Mygale [Mygal]
It is quite characteristic of the spider poisons to produce spasmodic
diseases. Mygale, according to Farrington, is one of our best remedies
in uncomplicated cases of chorea; the patient is low spirited and
depressed, the muscles of the face twitch constantly, the mouth
and eye open and close in rapid succession, the head is jerked to
one side, usually the right control over the muscle seems to be
lost. If the patient attempts to put his hand to his head it is
jerked backwards violently, and words are jerked out in talking.
The legs are in motion while sitting, and dragged while attempting
to walk. Dr.Clarence Bartlett speaks of this remedy as especially
valuable. I have many times verified the use of Mygale in the very
worst cases.
Jahr, in his "Forty Years' Practice," lauds Causticum
in chorea. The symptoms calling for its use are these: The right
side is more affected than the left, the muscles of the face, tongue,
arm,and leg are all involved; words are jerked out when talking,patient
continually changes his position, throws himself about until he
falls asleep exhausted. During sleep legs and arms "on the
go;" the child is unable to articulate because of excessive
nervousness; indisposition to talk because of weakness of the throat
and tongue muscles. It is especially adapted to rheumatic cases
brought on from cold or exposure.
Chorea produced by a foul stomach, or by irritation form worms,
calls for Cina. The movements often commence with a shriek. Asafoetida
has chorea from irritation of abdominal nerves from gastric troubles,worms,
etc. Chamomilla is useful in those children possessing the characteristic
Chamomilla fretfulness. Magnesia phosphorica is a remedy that has
cured many cases. |