Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Amenorrhea means the absence of the menstrual
period. Apart from during childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding
or menopause, the absence of the menstrual period may indicate a
problem with the reproductive system. One of the most common causes
of amenorrhea is hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex
hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events, including diseases
of the reproductive organs, weight loss, emotional stress or overexercising.
Frequently, there is no worrying cause found.
#Pulsatilla [Puls]
Comes first to mind as the homoeopathic remedy for menstrual suppression.
It is indicated where the menses flow by fits and starts, or when
the suppression is due to wetting of the feet; also, in delayed
first menses in chlorotic girls. It must be carefully distinguished
from Dulcamara, which has menses suppressed from getting the feet
wet, but whose temperament is not that of Pulsatilla. Bayes remarks
that in amenorrhoea with anaemia "great judgment is required
in the selection of the dilution, which ought to vary from the 30th
to the 1st, according to the sensitiveness of the patient, "
Jahr ranks Sulphur with Pulsatilla for insufficient pale menstruation.
The Pulsatilla patient is disinclined to exertion, with poor appetite
and longing for acids,is apt to faint easily and suffers from a
tremulous anxiety. Senecio is useful also in amenorrhoea with chlorosis.
#Calcarea carbonic [Calc]
This remedy is also, like Pulsatilla, indicated in amenorrhoea when
the first menses are delayed, but with Calcarea there is apt to
result congestion to the head or chest, giving rise to lung troubles.
It is typically indicated in fleshy, scrofulous girls with fair
complexion, perspiring easily about the head and subject to acidity
of the stomach. Menstrual suppression in those decidedly scrofulous,
or with lung affection, especially indicates Calcarea. Belladonna
has menstrual suppression with congestion to the head, but its chief
use is in amenorrhoea appearing suddenly due to cold, with bearing
down and throbbing pains in the hypogastrium and painful urination.
Gelsemium. Here the drowsy apathetic state is prominent and neuralgic
pains of the head and face accompany. Glonoine. Intense throbbing
of head and albuminous urine occurring when the menses do not appear.
It will act promptly if at all. If the menses are suppressed from
fright, Aconite, Actea spicata and Lycopodium must be thought of.
Opium and Veratrum also have this symptoms. Further symptoms indicating
Calcarea in amenorrhoea are palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea worse
ascending, cold damp feet, etc. Lilium tigrinum. Of use when amenorrhoea
causes, by reflex action, heart symptoms.
#Ferrum metallicum [Ferr-m]
This is another useful remedy for delayed first menses where there
is debility, languor, palpitation, sickly complexion and puffiness
about the ankles. It corresponds to weakly, chlorotic women with
flushed face, or pale and livid with blue margins about the eyes.
It is especially useful in those who have been dosed with quinine
and nervines.
#Sepia [Sep]
Insufficient or tardy menstruation occurring in the feeble and debilitated,
those of dark complexion, delicate skin and who are sensitive to
all impressions. In delay of first menses where a leucorrhoea occurs
in their stead with determination of blood to the chest and pale
face, the remedy is well indicated. Bryonia has nosebleed instead
of menses frequently accompanied with bursting headache, and Phosphorus
has haemoptysis and haematemesis instead of menses.Lachesis should
not be forgotten here. Nosebleed and headache relieved by menstrual
Graphites. Here, when the menses are
suppressed, delayed or scanty, and accompanied with obstinate constipation,
and indurated ovaries, it comes in especially well after Pulsatilla.
It holds the same relation to the menopause that Pulsatilla does
to puberty and youth. A sallow complexion, frequent paroxysms of
headache, felling of abdominal emptiness and ball like constipation,
which are marked Sepia symptoms, will easily distinguish this remedy.
Cimicifuga. Cowperthwaite praises this remedy highly in amenorrhoea,
giving it when no special indication are present, in nervous women
subject to rheumatism or arthritic attacks, with aggravation of
mental symptoms when the menses should appear. |