Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Adenoids is the name given to a lump of lymphoid
tissue that sits between the tonsils, higher up in the back of the
mouth. This tissue cannot be seen without special instruments or
x-rays, since it is hidden behind the roof of the mouth. It is located
right behind the nose (in an area called the nasopharynx), and if
it is large enough, it can block air from flowing through the nose.
The adenoids become swollen for just the same reasons as the tonsils
- infections, both viral and bacterial, as well as allergic stimuli.
If the adenoids are quite large, they can cause significant respiratory
obstruction, with resultant chronic mouth breathing. This mouth
breathing can cause permanent changes in the facial shape - "adenoidal
facies" with elongation of the face and an open-mouthed, slack-jaw
appearance. Nighttime respiratory obstruction, with snoring and
even sleep apnea can cause significant load upon the right side
of the heart. Other problems caused by chronic adenoidal hypertrophy
include blockage of the eustachian tubes and chronic ear disease
and hearing loss.
Hydrastis is perfectly homoeopathic to the totality of the symptoms
produced by adenoid vegetations, it has the yellow mucus and general
lymphoid hypertrophy.Dr. Lambrechts, of Antwerp, uses a tampon of
Hydrastis and glycerine, one part of the tincture to six of glycerine,
introduced deep into each nostril, having the child make inspiration
leaving it there about fifteen minutes. He regards surgical intervention
as merely palliative and medical treatment indispensable.Kali bichromicum
may also be indicated.
#Calcarea phosphorica [Calc.p]
Highly recommended by copper, Clifton and many others as a most
efficacious remedy in adenoid vegetations. It corresponds to the
dyscrasia,which permits adenoid growths or tonsillar enlargement.
Calcarea iodide may be used in cases which are febrile in nature.Baryta
carbonica is also a useful remedy, especially in children who have
recurring attacks of acute tonsillitis.
#Cistus Canadensis [Cist]
In scrofulous or arthritic individuals who have adenoid vegetations.
There is extreme sensitiveness to cold air, this is characteristic.
Sensation of heat and dryness in the throat so intense that the
patient must drink to relieve. Cold air inhaled causes distress
in the throat, the 6th potency seems to succeed the best. Cistus
has a special affinity for the naso-pharynx.
#Tuberculinum [Tub]
Adenoids are greatly benefited and often times permanently cured
by a weekly dose of Tuberculinum or preferably Bacillinum.
#Agraphis nutans [Agra]
Obstruction of the nostrils from adenoids. Throat deafness. Clarke
of London regarded this remedy as a leading one in cases of adenoids.
It was first used by Copper in 1892. Deafness and deaf-mutism, breathes
with mouth ;open. It is essentially a catarrhal remedy and acts
specially on the glands connected with the nasal cavity, and its
use generally avoids adenoid surgery. |